HKS Super Öl Premium 0W25 - 10w40


  • HKS engine oils are developed with an idea of that oil is a tuning part to maximize performance of engine
  • The unique viscosity categorization will effect at molecular level on boundary lubrication
  • Optimized oil viscosity selection solves hydrodynamic lubrication. Airtightness and friction are highly balanced
  • Engine building specialist at HKS now offer 100% synthetic special blend oil

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  • 100% synthetic oil "SUPER OIL Premium" with the latest prescription and viscosity selection is newly released from high cost performance HKS engine oil series that is well known to maximize the engine performance.
  • 7.5## newly added to the series maintains oil film at a high level in high temperature range and available for wide applications.
  • 4 different viscosities are applicable to various types of cars such as turbo, NA, eco car, etc.

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w55
【SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w55】

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w55

Ideal for tuned and large displacement turbo engines and old model cars

  • Stock Grade *w50 applicable
  • Max Oil Temp: 150℃
  • Volume: 20L / 4L / 1L

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w45
【SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w45】

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w45

High Performance for both normal and high load driving

  • Stock Grade *w40 applicable
  • Max Oil Temp: 140℃
  • Volume: 20L / 4L / 1L

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w35
【SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w35】

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w35

Performance and economy balanced at a high level

  • Stock Grade *w30 applicable
  • Max Oil Temp: 130℃
  • Volume: 20L / 4L / 1L

SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w25
【SUPER OIL Premium 0w25】

SUPER OIL Premium 0w25

Ideal for modern compact and eco cars

  • Stock Grade *w20 applicable
  • Max Oil Temp: 120℃
  • Volume: 20L / 4L / 1L


  • API/SN standard 100% synthetic oil "SUPER OIL Premium" is newly released from HKS engine oil series that is well known to maximize the engine performance.
  • 3 different viscosities are applicable to various types of cars such as turbo, NA, eco car, etc.
  • SUPER OIL Premium 10w40 API/SN
    【SUPER OIL Premium 10w40】
    SUPER OIL Premium 10w40 API/SN

    Reliable protection for your engine under high temperatures and loads

    • Stock Grade *w40 applicable
    • Max Oil Temp: 140℃
    • API/SN
    • Volume: 4L / 1L
  • SUPER OIL Premium 5w30 API/SN
    【SUPER OIL Premium 5w30】
    SUPER OIL Premium 5w30 API/SN

    Engine protection and fuel efficiency performance are balanced at a high level.

    • Stock Grade *w30 applicable
    • Max Oil Temp: 130℃
    • Volume: 4L / 1L
  • SUPER OIL Premium 0w20 API/SN
    【SUPER OIL Premium 0w20】
    SUPER OIL Premium 0w20 API/SN

    Superior engine protection and fuel saving performance.

      • Stock Grade *w20 applicable
      • Max Oil Temp: 120℃
      • API/SN ILSAC/GF-5
      • Volume: 4L / 1L


SUPER OIL Premium EURO 5w-40
【SUPER OIL Premium EURO 5W40】

ACEA - European Standard, Ideal for European Vehicles

  • The European car's engine performance can be maximized by the optimized velocity exclusively selected for each purpose of use.
  • High performance and oil film maintenance in the range at high speed and temperature require severe viscosity characteristics.
  • High driving performance and durability for street to sports driving.
  • API SN Standard
  • ACEA A3B4 is obtained.
  • 4L 1case=4cans、1L 1case=10cans

※ Not available with vehicles equipped with the DPF.

【ACEA Standard】

European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) represents major European car, van, truck and bus manufacturers. They defines specifications for engine oils, and the way of their evaluation is different from API standard and is more strict.


  • 100% synthetic oil "SUPER OIL Premium" with the latest prescription and viscosity selection designed exclusively for a diesel engine is newly released from high cost performance HKS engine oil series that is wellknown to maximize the engine performance.
  • Maintains oil film at a high level in high temperature range and available for wide applications.
  • 100% synthetic base oil is applicable to a diesel car equipped with DPF. It is ideal for clean diesel cars.
  • SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w44 Diesel
    【SUPER OIL Premium Diesel 7.5w44】
    SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w44 Diesel

    Reliable protection for the engine under severe conditions

    • Stock Grade *w40 applicable
    • Max Oil Temp: 140℃
    • Volume: 20L / 4L
  • SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w33 Diesel
    【SUPER OIL Premium Diesel 7.5w33】
    SUPER OIL Premium 7.5w33 Diesel

    Performance and economy balanced at a high level

    • Stock Grade *w30 applicable
    • Max Oil Temp: 130℃
    • Volume: 20L / 4L
  • SUPER OIL Premium 5w30 Diesel
    【SUPER OIL Premium Diesel 5w30】
    SUPER OIL Premium 5w30 Diesel

    Ideal for clean diesel engines

    • Stock Grade *w30 applicable
    • Max Oil Temp: 130℃
    • Volume: 4L / 1L

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HKS Super Öl Premium 0W25 - 10w40

HKS Super Öl Premium 0W25 - 10w40

  • HKS engine oils are developed with an idea of that oil is a tuning part to maximize performance of engine
  • The unique viscosity categorization will effect at molecular level on boundary lubrication
  • Optimized oil viscosity selection solves hydrodynamic lubrication. Airtightness and friction are highly balanced
  • Engine building specialist at HKS now offer 100% synthetic special blend oil